Don’t make these common mistakes: they could cost you!
If you are under the impression, or were told, a Greenbelt Agricultural Classification held by the previous owner transfers with an exchange of ownership, it does not! You must file a new application.
The absolute filing deadline is March 1. The law does allow for extenuating circumstances; however, failure to make timely application, unawareness of the need to apply, and “lost in the mail” are usually not acceptable as extenuating circumstances.
Get a receipt copy (stamped received) of your DR-482 application. Get a receipt for the DR-499 card; it is another green card: DR-499R.
A Greenbelt Agricultural Classification is an extremely valuable document to place in the mail: File the DR-482 and 499 in person, if possible, or, at least make sure you receive a receipt from the Property Appraiser prior to the filing deadline.
Do not sign and return the DR-499AR card unless your property is no longer qualified for the Greenbelt Agricultural Classification. You will be removing the Classification if you sign and return the card.