Greenbelt Agricultural Classification filing period: January 1 – March 1
If you are the owner of Agricultural Property which did not receive a Greenbelt Agricultural Classification under your ownership in 2015, and you wish to apply for this Classification for the privileged lower property tax assessment in 2016, you must file an application between January 1 and March 1 with the Property Appraiser in the county where the property is located. The form number is DR-482, Application and Return for Agricultural Classification of Lands, and is available from the County Property Appraiser or online either from the Department of Revenue or the County Property Appraiser’s Office. Note: some property appraisers may use a substitute form.
If you already receive a Greenbelt Agricultural Classification on your property and wish to continue the Classification in 2014, you will receive one of two forms from the County Property Appraiser. If the County requires annual renewal of the Classification, you will receive a green card, DR-499, Agricultural Classification of Lands Renewal. You must sign and return the DR-499 card between January 1 and March 1. If your County does not require an annual renewal of the Classification, you will receive a different green card, DR-499AR, Removal of Agricultural Classification. Regardless of the form name, this is your automatic renewal card; you do nothing with it unless your property is no longer qualified for the Classification.